The Story of Heart 2 Heart Journey Aug 24, 2024

How it all started...The wake up call that shifted the trajectory of my life came from a scream deep within my being, I refer to it as a soul scream because there are no other words I can think of to describe it.

From a young age I was connected to the spirit realms, I would see & feel spirits...

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Truth Will Prevail Jul 31, 2024

The month of August is pulling out all the stops to support us in letting go of what is no longer aligned or in resonance with who you are and where you are going.

You might have been doing this a lot already & this is the “final squeeze” to remove and excess that does not need...

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What Season is Your Business Currently In? Jul 10, 2024

Like the seasons in nature, there will be different seasons in your business. Embrace & honour the season you are in.



 •This is the pause a.k.a freeze. Focus on self-care.

•Reconnect with your inner self...

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Soul Path Alignment Jun 28, 2024

2024 has been encouraging us to follow our passions and July is continuing on with this theme for Soul Path Alignment and asking you to review areas in your life that might require deeper reflection & refinement for true alignment. Are you giving your time and energy to people/things/projects...

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Embracing Change Jun 02, 2024

We are officially 6 months into the year! How did that happen? How was the first half of 2024 for you? For June we are being encouraged to embrace all the changes that are happening internally and in our outer worlds. There is a softness & peace that comes from acceptance.

June is the...

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Overcoming the Fear of Being Judge for Your Spiritual Path May 13, 2024

When you first have your spiritual awakening it can feel confusing and conflicting because you might feel alone and more often than not the people around you don't understand what you are feeling or experiencing and it can feel uncomfortable trying to talk to someone about things that don't...

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Protect Your Peace May 01, 2024

We are in the season of expansiveness and the amplification and expression of our inner light and inner fire! Beltane is here! May 1st - May 10th and we are being encouraged to let our light SHINE!

That being said protecting your peace will be paramount! This is a saying that you might hear often...

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Equinox & Living in Love Mar 18, 2024

(Photo from St.Nectan's Waterfall in St.Nectan's Glen in Cornwall, UK)

Equinox is upon us and another shifting of the seasons is taking place on our beautiful planet, as the northern hemisphere transitions into the Spring on Tuesday, March 19 @ 8:06 PM PDT and the southern hemisphere enters...

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Finding Purpose in Uncertain Times Dec 31, 2023

I hope these words find you in a moment of peace, or at least in a space where you can take a deep breath and reflect. Life has a way of presenting us with uncertainties and the changing of a calendar year can bring that. it's a sentiment that we all grapple with at different points in our lives....

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Destiny...What does it really mean? Nov 29, 2023

Destiny can be viewed as special plan or purpose for each individual and all of creation. Each one of us is here for a reason and our lives are part of a grand design. We can have a "plan", however everything that happens is guided by the divine plan.

Some people believe that following...

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The Spaces in Between Oct 01, 2023

September was an intense month for many folks!!!! Lots of shifts, lots of things coming to completion, perhaps you feel like you are floating in the spaces in between. As we switching gears into a new season where are you entering a new season of your life?

Many of you have been putting...

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What are the Akashic Records? akashic healing akashic records akashic records healing akashic records reading soul healing soul path soul purpose Jun 10, 2023

The Akashic Records have become a hot topic recently has will continue to grow as more people are seeking the wisdom of their soul through them, but what exactly are the Akashic Records?

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky or open space and is the origin for the name Akashic Records. The...

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