The Story of Heart 2 Heart Journey
Aug 24, 2024
How it all started...The wake up call that shifted the trajectory of my life came from a scream deep within my being, I refer to it as a soul scream because there are no other words I can think of to describe it.
From a young age I was connected to the spirit realms, I would see & feel spirits especially the faeries and know things that logically made no sense as to how I would know them. As I got into my teens I fell into substances, lived in foster care and as the years went on the substance use turned into alcohol & narcotics abuse and functional professional when I needed to be. One thing that hit me after I found sobriety is that using substances numbed me, I no longer would see or feel things or have the psychic hits I did before. On a subconscious level that may have been what initially allowed the addictions to take root. Truthfully the substances “worked” for years, until they didn’t.
Now back to the SOUL SCREAM…
It was early 2011 and I moved into a new studio apartment in the heart of the village in Toronto after ending an extremely toxic relationship, truthfully back in 2009 my intuition tried to warm me about what was to come if I entered relations with that person by PUNCHING me in my stomach, literal physical pain! But I didn’t listen.
That relationship was one of my greatest teachers - oooo those karmics 💥 it taught me to listen to and TRUST my intuition , even If I did not like its guidance. It rattled the cage that was holding my soul to a point of no return and after going no contact with my ex I remember one night sobbing uncontrollably, the tears felt like they were being shed for all of the lifetimes I denied myself, my truth and my gifts. I cried and I prayed(something I had not done in years) I knew there was something more to life than this and asked to be shown and in that moment I felt a shattering and an opening within my heart, like I was being set free and the light was shining through the cracks, that was the beginning of the end of the life I had known.
Things take time. Healing happens in layers. Be gentle & kind to yourself and most BE patient!!!
After the soul scream I entered into a new paradigm. My priorities were shifting, I was determined to get clean & sober. So much of my focus & energy was being channeled into physical health! I had a total diet change & was working out regularly. I was becoming strong on the inside and outside! I had a healthy new obsession to replace the old destructive behaviours. I wanted to heal from all the trauma of the past and physical endurance and strength training was a powerful outlet!
I was working at a public relations firm at the time and the media relations aspect of the job showed me that I craved real & genuine relationships versus what felt very strategic “I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine” to get coverage for clients & events. My boss had a kind heart and seemed stressed to the max. She would always share what was going on astrologically and because of her I learned all about Mercy Retrograde.
Closer to the end of 2012 I started using my tarot cards again that I had not touched in years. They traveled with me for most of my life, but I had them packed away for many years. My new partner really helped to support me in living a clean & better life, however we were from two completely different worlds. Both Culturally & with beliefs because of this I started to realize I was hiding parts of myself & my spiritual practices. Tarot was my first love in the form of divination that started in junior high and I felt like I was denying parts of myself and felt ashamed because of how it would be viewed. I didn’t want to hide. I wanted to be true to myself. I knew in my heart it wasn’t “bad”
There were so many things that were working in my life, I felt the most stable I had been in YEARS, especially since moving to Toronto back in 2009 and at the same time I felt a restlessness in my soul! Have you ever felt that RESTLESSNESS? What did you do?
Enter 2013 and @transformational_arts_college ✨ Going to @transformational_arts_college in changed my life! It gave me the confidence to step forward in the world of holistic health & healing as a professional (I’m still a certified Natural Health Practitioner) and eventually come out of the “spiritual closet” but that took a bit more time 🤣 I still couldn’t wrap my head around how you could be taken seriously as a psychic professionally, but I got there & if you are reading this you did too!
Imagine going to Hogwarts. It was 2013 when I first stepped into an office building on Yonge & Lawrence in north Toronto, the home of Transformational Arts College that would change my life. It looked nothing like what you would see in a Harry Potter Movie, but the magic that was made inside is what brought me there!
What pulled me to the Holistic Health Practitioner Program was that they covered Holistic & Energetic studies in the diploma program. I’m a double Aquarius with a Virgo rising and that Virgo keeps me grounded and gives earthly structure. The rebellious Aquarius wanted to only do energy healing & the intuitive readings, but that didn’t feel “practical” I needed to have something more legitimate for a career…right?!?
The most memorable thing about my program were the amazing teachers & my fellow students!!!! My peers reminded me there are more of us out there & we are not alone! Out in the world we felt different and in school we got to do energy healing treatments for each other, psychic readings, sound healing sessions and make herbal potions! It was so amazing!!!!
I graduated from the Holistic Health Practitioner Program & I started my business Heart 2 Heart Holistic in 2014 and at the time. I initially wanted to name my business WE ARE ONE and in a meditation Heart to Heart Came through for the name. In the beginning I specialized in Aromatherapy Lymphatic Drainage.
It’s interesting when we share our stories because they can be beautifully woven together and overlap at times. There is so much that happened during that time like the Akashic Records entering my life.
Somewhere along the way of studying @transformational_arts_college and making a visit back to Alberta in 2014 for the first time in 5 years I had another wake up call… I know 🎢 I know you get it!!! I had a realization that the relationship I was in needed to end. We were from two different worlds & we wanted different things in life. Deal breaker things like children( I love kids, but being a bio mom is not something I’ve ever wanted) One of us would have had to make major compromises to have a future together and truthfully in my heart I knew we both deserved to live our dreams.
I took time to heal & let go. I went on a 10 day silent vipassana mediation retreat. Autumn 🍂 in Ontario outside of the city is pure Magick! I walked outside a lot and cried at the trunks of many trees. It was intense. I was committed to sitting with myself in the silence & discomfort. There were a lot of abandonment wounds that came flooding to the surface (I didn’t grow up knowing my dad. I met him again in my 20s.) it was cathartic and freeing.
All I remember upon returning back to Toronto was how much NOISE there was…even in the silence I could hear a subtle buzz or hum in the ethers. I felt so clear & calm, but had no clue what was next to come.
The way the Akashic Records came into my life was VERY unexpected. I still chuckle 🤭 If spirit has a message for you they will find a way to deliver it!
🥁 Drum roll…🔥 TINDER 🔥 I KNOW!!! 🤯
I had heard about the Akashic Records before, but was never called to explore them deeper until that divinely orchestrated Tinder match! My match aka soul family member told me about an Akashic records reading they had & I knew I needed to have one!!! I’ve been doing some timeline jumping to get a better idea of when this all went down...I thought it was 2014, but it was the beginning 2015!!!!
It blows my mind because everything happened so quickly after that and I can not stress enough how my life changed in LESS THAN A YEAR!!!! At the very beginning of the year I had that reading with the lovely @akashic_trailblazer & few months later I flew across the country for a retreat in Golden BC on the Akashic Records and started accessing my own.
Thank you @jana_roemer @akashic_trailblazer @shanti_family @theszee for such a powerfully expansive & activating experience! I could write a book talking about that retreat because It was so much more than learning how to access your Akashic Records
It was the ULTIMATE game changer!!! Up until that point I had never felt so clear in my life and it was exactly what my soul needed! Even though I thought this happened a little bit before 2015, it’s not that shocking to experience the quantum leaps I did. That’s what happens when you are in alignment with your soul!
I moved back to Alberta in fall of 2015, took another Akashic Records class that same year and things really started to pop off!!! I was more confidently allowing my MYSTIC self to shine through and then I found myself touring Africa & ended the trip in Egypt in April/May 2016 for some MAJOR upgrades!!! That truly is a whole other post!!! After the Akashic Records entered my life everything accelerated quickly! I completely skipped the part of this journey back home that included moving from Ontario back to Alberta 🇨🇦 in 2015
You know when you feel like you have to do something so STRONGLY, but it might defy logic?!? Yup. I knew I had to go back. The Rockies called me there!
When I had first moved to Cochrane, AB in the fall of 2015 a new crystal store had just opened up on Main Street and naturally I had to work there! It was an instant yes! That’s how it works, no “trying” to get in. I worked at Earth Rocks for Years as shop staff, reader & facilitated workshops. I’m grateful for the opportunity! I met a lot of great people and working relationships. Cochrane was beautiful, however I missed the city and relocated to Calgary & worked in a more clinical setting before going all on being a 🔮Psychic Reader/ Healer🔮 I was running from it and to it at the same time, but you cannot run from who you are.
I knew I was brought back to Alberta for a reason. My calling to be of service was becoming more clear & my confidence in myself as a reader & intuitive abilities was growing as my clients continued to have major Aha moments!
Give yourself a permission slip to stop hiding! You are here to do some magickal things!
Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world? I won a travel voucher from @gadventures to go ANYWHERE in the world at night club industry party….a party I almost didn’t go to in 2013. Ask and you shall receive. I remember filling my name out for the draw with the flashing lights & dance music pumping away. From my heart of heart I said “please I want to travel so bad! I need to be free” when it was time for the draw and I heard the announcer say Ter….. and I ran up onto the stage before they even had a chance to finish my name. How embarrassing that would have been if it was another Terra 😂 or Terri. I knew it was me, I asked and God listened.
Fast Forward to 2016. I was on the beautiful continent of momma AFRICA! A place I had always dreamed of going! I traveled from Kenya all the way down through east Africa for my final destination of Joburg(South Africa) I pray that one day I will return, I still vividly recall the night sky and seeing the southern cross for the first time.
Africa is a HUGE continent and also the home of Egypt a place I had dreamed of since grade 5 and there I was walking through ancient temples and busy markets feeling so at peace & at home! Egypt was an initiation into restoring soul memories of being there long before the pyramids were ever there, scouting out locations for their construction for the star gates and Alexandria I cried as we drove into it. When you visit places your soul has a strong connection to, you are able to access parts of yourself that have been left there waiting to be found.
That’s why I am now offering Heart Path Pilgrimages to sacred sites! Avalon in September will be the first of many!!! It’s time for our souls to return home to these places in the physical again!
When souls are meant to find each other they will…destiny, fate, karmic retribution- one way or another it will happen. After Egypt things continued to shift RAPIDLY! I felt like so much came to the surface around self-worth and letting go of the past and forgiving myself and others. I also realized that I had major abandonment wounds from childhood that caused me to leave/run/end things in my relationships ALL THE TIME! No one ever left me in a relationship, I was the runner.
The dating world was different, those abandonment wounds had a chance to really fester…. anyone been ghosted?!?!? 👻 😂 I’ve definitely ghosted people, but to be on the other end of it sucks, but ultimately a blessing in the long run. I was ready to settle down and calling in “my person” I wanted someone to share a future with that valued me, BUT I had to first love & value myself more deeply.
Then one faithful day I put a petition out to the Universe on a 2017 New Moon Pisces asking for my soul mate partner & partnership and less than a month later the match was ignited on Tinder 🔥 and everything changed 😂 The irony is I was so done with the dumpster fire called Tinder and I thank the heavens I didn’t delete the app 🙏🏼 I had yet to meet one of my greatest teachers, lessons & lovers. As I write these words it rings so true in the core of my being because the lessons are still unfolding. I have learned so much about myself. About who I am, who I am not and how to be a better person & partner.
Apparently we signed up to do life and the apocalypse together 🤣 This union was a catalyst and springboard into giving me more freedom to go all in on my business and the sacrifices do not go unnoticed.
The Four Agreement by @donmiguelruiz are so “basic” and truly are words to live by(especially in relationships)
1. Be Impeccable With Your Words
2. Don’t Take Things Personally
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
4. Always Do Your Best
Have you read the Four Agreements?
One of my dreams was to be a psychic reader at fairs, markets & in the metaphysical shops. That was the ultimate goal for “making it” when I first started my business 🤣 To me it’s the old school way of working the circuit, before online readings were popular or trusted like they are now. I would recommend it to any reader, it’s like a boot camp and gets you out and about with people from all walks of life. I’ve met some amazing soul mate clients from it!
I really enjoyed the @thewitcherymarket in Edmonton! It was neat going back to my old home town in a whole new way and because they have a high standard for readers, I was grateful to be accepted & welcomed back.
I am also extremely grateful for my time at two prestigious metaphysical shops in Calgary, AB @divine_mine & @riteofritual I have a deep appreciation for the ease & flow of being welcomed with open arms into both of these shops( I know this is not something to be taken lightly)
@divine_mine 💜 Christine is such a wonderful woman who has been in business for 20 years! They currently have 2 retail locations and in the fall the 2 locations are moving into ONE brand new location. BIG things are coming! It’s very exciting and I’m so happy for them & their beautiful community.
@riteofritual 🖤 Kati is such a kind & loving human and a soul sister🫶🏻 I love our Trinity with @thewitchdownthelane If you have not been to @riteofritual yet…what?!? It’s a beautiful metaphysical boutique! They are celebrating their 6 year anniversary and also have some exciting things opening up again! It’s time! Let the expansion & growth begin!
Although I no longer offer in store readings, I look forward to making magick in the not too distant future with them both for classes/events. Dare to dream! If you have the dream to be a reader at markets & shop, I encourage you to put yourself out there! Confidence in yourself, your skills & integrity are the keys to the kingdom. Not trying different angles to “get in.”
When women gather magick is made! Birthing Secrets of Sisterhood with @solarpowerhealth & @gessi.mac was such a pivotal time in my personal & professional life. I had just met Sandy & she wanted to do a collaboration and Gess was part of it! I didn’t know either of them well, but when you know, you know. Right away we knew it was not a “one time” thing.
We were fated to do this work, to return the priestesses to the temple arts in a grounded & practical way for them to reclaim their magick and personal sovereignty. We wove our medicines together of the Cosmos(me) Earth magick(Sandy) into the Human Presence(Gess) and it was powerful & life changing not only for the women who attended, but also for us.
I will never forget the rebel runaway retreat. We joked about getting everyone who attended shirts that said “ I survived the Rebel Runaway Retreat” We pushed the limits and comfort zones of the women(you know who you are) and even our own as facilitators, but that was the work, our events & retreats dove deep. We guided the women into the depths of their souls to witness their shadow, light, truth and be transformed. Oooooo and Sandy’s food was AMAZING! Yes we even nourished you in a real worldly way! “Feed me, love me, see me” vibes!
After the world “shut down” so did our sisterhood circles, it happened naturally because everything has it’s time & place. I believe what we created gave the women very valuable skills in navigating a world that was changing before our eyes. I learned so much from Secrets of Sister and I am forever grateful for the experiences and all the women we met along the way. It was amazing to see them & their lives transform right before our eyes.
I love women, I love sharing space with women, I love to hold & be held in sisterhood. I love seeing other women in their goddess energy, I love seeing other women win! We are all here to RISE!!!!
I like to refer to that place in time when the world “shut down” as being in a wind tunnel. Thank you to the warriors with venues for creating safe spaces for us to come together and BE HUMAN & UNITED!!!! I was doing A LOT of sound healing events!!!!
My business was busy before the pandemic- I was already doing online Akashic Records readings, but when it hit, It was skyrocketing!!! So many people’s worlds were crumbling and it acted as a catalyst to existential crisis and spiritual awakening! I was there as a spiritual advisor & mentor for many.
We are still in THE GREAT AWAKENING!
So much happened in such a short time!!! (2020-2022)
⚡️Became a best selling author for having a chapter in a co-author book project for bLU Talks
⚡️My passion project & dream come true @soulpathoracle was birthed into the world! Thank you @brewsterheather for creating this love child with me and thank you to everyone who has supported this project.
⚡️I Invested 💰 in my business like NEVER before, with coaching, business training, branding makeover and wow did it ever pay off!
⚡️My business shifted gears into 1:1 Mentorship where I developed my signature coaching method the ARTT of Inner Alchemy, which expanded into the group coaching/mentorship program Path of the Heart and I would have to say that the Path of the Heart program is “my life’s work” although I now see it has a life of it’s own & is turning into something even more magnificent than I ever imagined when it was first created in 2021.
I am devoted to supporting heart-based business leaders & visionaries who are in service to others using their soul gifts as healers, mystics, oracles and conscious creatives through soul expanding & transformational courses, retreats & mentorship.
We come into this world creating SOUND as a sign of life. I was born with the music gene, My family on both sides are musically inclined. It is in my blood. Music has always been a part of my life and I play by ear & intuitively.
I was introduced to Crystal Singing Bowls in 2013 & they spoke to my soul. I hadn’t experienced anything like it before. Over the years sound continued to weave it’s magic into my life as I connected more intimately with sound for the purpose of healing and transformation & started to facilitate powerful sound ceremonies in 2018 when my fav sound healer Danielle stopped her sound baths & I couldn’t find the sound medicine I needed, so I created it for myself & others.
In 2021 @kootenaysoundhealingcentre entered my life. I’m eternally grateful for you 🫶🏻 Thank you for your wisdom & friendship. That year I added gongs to my collection of sound healing instruments & EVERYTHING changed!!!! A new offering was born & became my signature Integrative Sound Healing Sessions(now Diamond Light Sound)that have been LIFE CHANGING for my clients!!! It has gone through a major metamorphosis since it’s birth- incorporating Tuning forks, crystal singing bowls, planetary gongs, planetary chimes, tibetan singing bowls, chimes, drums, rain sticks and other sacred sound healing instruments.
The EVOLUTION 👉🏻Diamond Light Sound was conceived in the beginning of May 2023. I received clear spiritual instruction on the diamond light ray and working with the diamond body and that it was to be combined with my Integrative Sound Healing sessions that I started in 2021 & become a whole new sound training. I was blown away by this information & excited, but instantly thought “UH OH” because I had just started to co-facilitate a 6-month sound healing training 🫠
The 2023 training was phenomenal & I explored how I could do both, but Diamond Light Sound is where my heart was pulling me and I chose to let 2024 be a year of refinement to prepare for the rebirth in 2025.
I return to sound in times of trouble & joy! It is my constant & I always travel with instruments to do grid work 🌎
We are coming to completion of my story of the journey back home…thank you for following along!
Some parts of the journey are held in specific segments of time, while others overlap and flow into each other. One thing I can say is my business is very different from when it began.
I use to work excessively to cope with an unhappy home life & that was not sustainable. After I was in a car accident in July of 2022 I saw it clearly, but it took ONE FULL YEAR of wake up call after wake up call that lead to a complete shattering and collapse of the life that I knew.
You know that feeling when you know you have to make big changes, but you avoid it?! 🙋🏼♀️
Like clock work one year later, I ended my long term relationship(that I am happy to say is now reconciled) and was flying overseas to the UK to give a talk on the Akashic Records at Cambridge University for bLU talks and go on the adventure of a lifetime to Avalon.
I must admit even though I had no clue what was next, or what the future would hold I felt at peace, free & powerful.
Avalon gave me a love I didn’t even know I needed and I could feel myself coming back into wholeness. My eyes were opened. My heart expanded. I was home. Going to Avalon & having such profound experiences with the land was a catalyst for me taking the plunge to move forward and commit to hosting global retreats.(Avalon being one of them)
When I returned from the UK,my inner world was changed and my environment shifted rapidly as I found myself moving into a new home & newly separated. I barley worked in 2023. I had no capacity and instead of trying to push through like I had always done, I didn’t try to run or escape, was that ever painful 🤣
When you feel to heal, you see where you lost yourself, become aware of how you can be in integrity more & forgive & let go. Doing what you love & loving what you do becomes non-negotiable.
Living your TRUTH is your authentic state of BEing.
You know who you are. You love yourself. You are Unstoppable.
This chapter is called the best is yet to come 🚀 Part 14/14. Changes in life can be mapped out or happen suddenly & unexpected. In a world of uncertainty, the one certainty is that change is inevitable.
Everything we go through in this life shapes us, bringing lessons & reminders of what is truly important and anchors us deeper into our TRUTH and connection to God/Source/Creator.
I would honestly have to say 2023/2024 has been the dismantling of limiting programs& beliefs mixed with unresolved trauma that I thought was dealt with already.
When the illusion you are living shatters it’s humbling, heartbreaking and at the same time you get to rebuild. As you delicately put the pieces back together in a beautiful mosaic you see more clearly what pieces no longer need to be part of the new creation.
A lot of changes have been happening in my business this year. Some things that once fit, no longer fit like they did before. I continue to surrender, let go and TRUST THE PROCESS.
I am so grateful to this community, clients, students & everyone that has been on this heart 2 heart journey together! I wouldn’t be where I am in life & business if it wasn’t for you you!
📚 The New Chapter
My focus is much more directed towards creating spaces that honour community & spiritual connection for higher learning & soul embodiment.
I support mystical women on a sacred mission that are using their soul gifts to help awaken & activate others on their path of ascension & spiritual evolution through soul expanding courses, retreats & mentorship!
There is so much coming in 2025 that I want to share, but it is not yet time & I will continue to allow what is destined to be unfold behind the scenes!
Take chances, dare to dream, trust the process and choose YOURSELF!!!! You’ll look back & be grateful you did!
X♡︎ Terra