Equinox & Living in Love
Mar 18, 2024
(Photo from St.Nectan's Waterfall in St.Nectan's Glen in Cornwall, UK)
Equinox is upon us and another shifting of the seasons is taking place on our beautiful planet, as the northern hemisphere transitions into the Spring on Tuesday, March 19 @ 8:06 PM PDT and the southern hemisphere enters into autumn.
There is a stirring within; an inner rustling of hope for new possibilities, growth and a deeper connection to your truth Self and Source/God/Goddess/Creator from the inside and out.
So much continues to be unravelling in the world and it can be perplexing to think, how did we get here? We can travel back in time and history(as much as we have been allowed to know) of how we got here to view cycles, patterns and programs, however let's also remember we are here NOW!
As lightworkers it is important to remember...
We are the change. It starts with us.
We are the light in the darkness
We can overcome anything with compassion and love in our hearts.
We can and will make a difference in the collective consciousness
We are stronger together and now rising up into the truth and knowing of how powerful this is.
When we no longer see separation or "us and them" and step into and embody unity consciousness, new more loving pathways are created for humanity to walk.
Place your hands, palms facedown on your chest over the heart. Say this aloud of silently.
I am a being of light.
I am connected to all that is. I am a messenger of love, light, truth & integrity.
I am supported by the Divine Source and Gaia.
I trust my inner knowings are divine inspiration and I lovingly receive & share this wisdom for the greatest good of all.
I choose love & kindness always, in all ways.
Saturday, March 30, 11:00 am PT
You are invited to join us in honouring the teachings of Christ (Beyond religion & dogma) for living in the heart & living in love, in the spirit of resurrection & rebirth.
In our Ceremony, You Will:
Learn more about ascending into Christ Consciousness to be the embodiment of LOVE on the planet
Follow the path of the sacred heart into Avalon and tap into the loving energies of the holy isle of Avalon
Connect with other lightworkers and love bringers to unify and amplify our intentions of living in love for the planet.
Somerset & Corwall, UK ~ September 2024
Intimate Group of 12 Women
There is an unlocking of the soul vault doors that takes place when your physical body connects with different places on the planet, especially places your soul is fond of or knows well. This sacred journey will quench the yearning to activate & actualize your ancient wisdom & encodements, as your walk through the threshold into a deeper state of presence & being.
Heart Path Teachings. Magick & Miracles. Ceremony. Sacred Sites. Stargates. Merlin & his Dragons Cave. Holy Waters & Faery Forests, Planetary Grid Work. Sisterhood. Priestess Initiation. The Great Mystery. Cosmic Womb Reclamation.
You are invited to book a clarity call with me if Avalon is calling you back home
It would be an honour to commune with these sacred lands and your soul, becoming the embodiment of a pure heart, pure intentions & living in love
X♡︎ Terra