Become your own Sound Alchemist sound alchemy sound events sound healing Jul 03, 2022

Did you know that you are your most powerful sound healing instrument?!?!? The sounds your voice can make and the intention behind it is so healing and powerful! Fully calibrated to you and at the same time it has the ability to touch and shift other people.

I am so excited for the upcoming sound r...

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Sound Alchemist integrative sound healing sound alchemy sound events sound healing Mar 15, 2022

With each breath & every beat of my heart I will surrender to love and itā€™s limitless power as I intermingle with the crystalline matrices of the infinite.

Sound is sacred and is a language all its own. Trough sound, the waves of vibration reverberate to the furthest corners of the cosmos and in perf...

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2022: Living in a New Paradigm Feb 16, 2022

There is an underlying current of survival and continuation of life woven into the the fabric of human existence here on Earth, no matter what challenges and obstacles arise. It is a thing of wonder to behold when doing a review of oneā€™s life and to witness the many miraculous ways that despite all ...

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Vagina Mapping: The Gateway to Embodied Feminine Power Feb 16, 2022

Vagina de-armoring, Yoni mapping, pussy empowerment, I have heard about it; it is not a new concept to me, but I had never done itā€¦until now. I was unsure about sharing this, however, my experience was so profound and showed that working with your vagina in this way is a form of soul work and I woul...

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