Heart Path Starter Pack


It takes courage to step outside of what feels "safe" or familiar and go after your dream and have a heart-based business as a mystic, oracle, healer, or conscious creative. People in your life might think you are crazy and depending on the day you might also question your sanity when overwhelm hits.

You are no stranger to the trials & tribulations that can arise while running a heart-based biz and you also know that your business & what you offer is greater than yourself. You are on a sacred mission to help awaken & activate others in these revolutionary times and you feel this in every part of your being and deep within your bones & soul.

What is the Heart Path?

Walking the path of the heart is making the journey back home to yourself in your heart. It is being present with yourself, showing up for yourself even when it's hard and staying heart-centered.

​Results of living in the heart:

♥ Alignment

♥ Authenticity

♥ Bravery & Courage

♥ Confidence in self, choices and abilities

♥ Clarity & purpose

♥ Speaking your truth freely

♥ Increase in trust & faith.

What you get in the Heart Path Starter Pack:


You are getting some valuable tools to add to your tool kit to support you in heart-based living & business. 

My intention is to help support you "whole-istically" on a physical level to enter into states of coherence and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, mentally and emotionally to tune out the noise around you and dial into your resonate frequency and be in the heart and on a spiritual level to share with you the innate wisdom that can be accessed through the heart. The heart is the gateway to your truth and soul.

#1 - Journey to the Heart: Discussion on the electromagnetic field of the heart and guided journey to learn how to clearly hear your truth verses thoughts from the mind.

#2 - Soul Mission Meditation: You will guided on a journey to your multidimensional heart and connect with your soul purpose & mission for this lifetime.

#3 - Heart Path Workbook: This workbook has self-reflection questions as well as some strategies to work with to stay heart-centered in your business.

# 4 - Soul Path Newsletter: Monthly newsletter that discusses energetic themes for the month and cosmic events, reflection questions to build upon the monthly themes. There will updates on all things consciousness based and heart-based that we are up to!(You can unsubscribe at any time...no hard feelings, this is your journey) 

“To start utilizing the Power of The Heart is the most significant choice you will make in life.”

Steven Redhead

Get the Heart Path Starter Pack

May you experience the power of the heart and remember the answers reside in you.

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