Avalon Awakened

Heart Path Pilgrimage 



Do you crave and desire authentic expression and embodiment with kindred spirits?

Avalon Awakened is returning us to the ancient temple arts & mysteries, where women were honored and revered for their gifts as the mystics, oracles, seers, and healers.

This retreat is for women who are ready to remember their ancient truth, wisdom & magick. This is an initiation into a deeper understanding of your soul truth and lineage. Reclaim lost memories and ancient wisdom, to awaken, activate and actualize the life's purpose & divine destiny. 


 You will retrace the memories of your soul on the path of the priestess to reawaken the cosmic temples within through ceremony, ritual, exploring cultural traditions & history, gentle movement and locally sourced nourishing food.

 Experience soulular alignment and upgrades, while being held in the arms of the divine mother and supported by sisters who are creating the New Earth together to anchor some much needed love light into the crystalline grid of the planet,  

Journey Back Home to Yourself

in the Heart of Avalon



Avalon no longer exists on this plane, however Glastonbury holds a key to access these powerful energies where layers of dimensional planes & time lines overlap to meet at a focal point. It is a beacon for cosmic energies to merge & intersect opening up portals to other worlds and awakening the wisdom of the heart. 

The journey to Avalon has many pathways and holds much for many. The memories of the lost lands of Atlantis can be traced here, the Imprints of the magickal arts, legends of King Arthur and the holy grail, as well as retracing the footprints of the holy family after the crucifixion.

Pilgrimage is a form of devotion to your spiritual path. When you journey to sacred & holy places it can initiate personal transformation and act as a catalyst to reclaim ancient soul wisdom.

There is a potency when you physically visit sacred sites. You merge your energetic signature into the land as well as receive profound activations, insights & upgrades.

The priestesses are awakening. It is time to come home.

There are 11 spots available for this intimate retreat.

Our next Heart Path Pilgrimage to Avalon is September 2026

Daily Flow: There may be some adjustments with the daily schedule to allow flexibility for magick & miracles


  • 8:30 - 9:30 AM: Breakfast
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Exploration of Avalon and sacred sites, meditations


  • 1:30 - 2:30 PM: Lunch
  • 2:30 - 6:00 PM: Avalonian adventures, soul journeys, rest & recharge


  • 7:00 PM: Dinner
  • Integration Circles: Blend of integration circles, restorative poses, Akashic records, Gene Keys, and group support activities

We’ve got a bunch of exciting activities lined up, including overnight trips to Avebury & legendary lands of King Arthur in Cornwall. We’ll explore amazing spots like St. Nectan’s Glen, Merlin’s Cave


Sacred Sites You Will Visit

 ♡︎ The Glastonbury Tor

♡︎ St.Margarets/Magdalene's Chapel

♡︎ Private viewing at Stonehenge

♡︎ Avebury Stone Stones (Largest stone "circle" in all of Britain)

♡︎ Silbury Hill & West Kennet Long Barrow

♡︎ Chalice Well Gardens, with the Red Spring.

♡︎ Grail Mysteries & Excursion through the legendary lands of King Arthur to St. Nectan's Glen & Merlin's Cave

♡︎ Merlin & Morganna Ley Lines

♡︎ Private Access to The White Spring - Water Alchemy Ceremony

♡︎ ​​The Glastonbury Abbey

♡︎ ​​Dragon Lines, Micheal & Mary Ley Lines

♡︎ Bride's Mound(In honour of  Brigid)

*It is important to note an average level of fitness & mobility is required. We will be walking at the sacred sites and around Glastonbury.

 ✨ ✨ ✨

Magick & Miracles. Ceremony. Sacred Sites. Stargates. Merlin's Cave & Dragons, Holy Waters & Faery Forests, Planetary Grid Work. Sisterhood. Priestess Initiations. The Great Mystery. Soul Gift Reclamation.

Our Sanctuary

Healing Waters Retreat & Sanctuary

"Healing Waters offers a tranquil space for our visitors to enjoy a deeply healing and restful stay. Our facilities are available to people of all spiritual paths and we hold the belief that God is Love, in whatever form people choose to experience the Divine."

Meals are being prepared with loving kindness and ethical awareness by Healing Waters chef Sue. Menu is organic, vegetarian & gluten free with  locally sourced and seasonal foods. They are also part of the "Healing Gardens Cooperative which aims to honour the land, and grow healthy organic produce for its members and the community... dedicated to working in harmony with the Sacred Land on which we grow, whilst offering our members the opportunity to re-connect to nature, each other and ourselves. Elementals, Fairies and Devas play in our organic paradise with an ancient spring at it’s heart, surrounded by gardens, orchards, chickens and bees."

Note: We will be spending 1 night in Tintagel Cornwall UK and 1 night in Avebury, Salisbury, UK




For the last decade I have been curating transformational experiences that guide & support women to come home to themselves on the path of the heart.

Going to Avalon changed my life and asked me to step deeper into service to bring mystical women and visionaries together on spiritually aligned pilgrimages and retreats. 

From the deepest part of my heart, you are warmly invited to be immersed in the spiritual realms, surrounded by sisters, commune with the divine to journey back home to yourself through the sacred & mystical lands of Avalon.

Together we will access the multidimensionality of our consciousness to rise up in the world as modern day priestesses.

You will be forever changed.






♡︎1 Sisterhood Connection Call on Zoom to meet each other prior to our pilgrimage together

♡︎ 13 Days / 12 Nights at Healing Waters Retreat & Sanctuary

♡︎ Entrance fees for the group to sacred sites and transportation to & from our planned excursions

♡︎ 3 Meals a Day. All catered meals are vegetarian, organic & gluten free. Meals in estaurants will have other options

♡︎ 1 Integration Call to reconnect after you have had time to distill the experience.  



♡︎ All airfare to and from the UK

♡︎ Transportation to and from Glastonbury

♡︎ Travel insurance 

♡︎ UK Spending money

♡︎ Any personal excursions & shopping.(ie souvenirs)


*When booking airfare and other travel arrangements, cancellation insurance & travel insurance is highly recommended. 


Avalon Investment

The wellness investment for this priestess pilgrimage is

$5500 Pay in full or payment plan for 3 months, 6 months or 12 months. 

Pricing is in USD

Pay in full and receive an Avalonian Priestess Package in the mail with my favourite Avalon book & Oracle deck!

Kind Words

“We take spiritual initiation when we become conscious of the Divine within us, and thereby contact the Divine without us.”

- Dione Fortune

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