Akashic AlchemyÂ

​​Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky or open space and is the origin for the name Akashic Records. The Akashic Records have been around for all of creation and are known throughout various cultures, although they may have different names; the book of life, hall of records and cosmic mind, to name a few.
The Akashic Records are a looking glass into alternate realities; they transcend time and space here on earth, as we know it. Time does not exist in the records although they contain events within time.
The Akashic Records are often referred to as a library to offer a more tangible understanding of what they are; a “library for your soul.” They contain the story and blueprint of your soul; from the first spark of creation, expanding into many infinite possibilities; past, present and future.
They act as a bridge between understanding who you are and quantifiably knowing who you are, in the Akashic records you are shown wider dimensions of reality.
An Akashic Alchemy Reading offers an avenue for you to get to know yourself on a deeper level through learning about your soul’s journey; the Akashic Records contain the story or blueprint of your soul; from the first spark of creation and expanding into many infinite possibilities; past, present, future and multidimensional.
The Akashic Records changed my life!
The first experience I had with the Akashic Records cracked me open and catapulted me deeper into my soul and my spiritual journey. It literally changed the course of my life and and I am forever grateful.
After doing extensive work in my own personal akashic records, which brought more change, growth, and expansion into my life, I knew I had to share this powerful tool of healing and transformation with the world and took additional training to develop and build upon my Akashic skill set to offer readings for others and have been professionally offering Akashic Records Readings since 2015.
I offer live and self-study courses and workshop that teach you how to open up your own personal records as well as accessing the Akashic Records for others.

Kind Words

What is an Akashic Alchemy Reading?
Throughout the years of offering 1:1 & group Akashic Records Readings, I have realized these are so much MORE than a reading. It is an activation, where alchemy takes place and a synthesis occurs for soul alignment.
It is different than a psychic or intuitive and is not “fortune-telling” Having an open dialogue and asking questions about the areas you would like to address is strongly encouraged, the more information you share about your situation the more the reading will unfold to create more depth and clarity for you. I feel it is a Psycho-spiritual approach to get to know yourself and your soul on a deeper level, if and when you are ready to receive the information.
What is the purpose of having an your Akashic Records Reading?
The reason an individual chooses to have their Akashic Records read varies as everyone is different and therefore it is not to be viewed as a one size fits all reading. Some people want to explore past lives and receive healing from traumatic events that have been inflicted on their soul, or focus on situations that are more related to their present life and current circumstances. The Akashic Records contain the past, present, and probable futures; so there are no limits on what can be addressed and explored.
In the Akashic records you are shown wider dimensions of reality
What kind of questions can you ask?
Anything there are no right or wrong questions.
Keep in mind some questions you ask might not always provide answers as more emotional/energetic clearing may be required before you are able to receive the answer.
Before your reading, it is very helpful to create a list of questions you would like to ask your record keepers, that focus on areas you wish to work on, or address. Such as:
Current life challenges, relationships(family/friends), repeating patterns and behaviours, spiritual growth or path, life purpose and direction, influences from past lives.
Questions are the key to receiving the desired answers. The clearer the questions, the clearer and more precise the answers will be. ie)
“Do I have limiting beliefs that are blocking me from receiving my abundance?”
“What is the next step I can take to achieve my current goals?”
“I currently feel like I’m not on my path. What are some steps I can take so that I feel more joyful?”
“Why do the same type of people keep showing up in my life?”
“I really feel drawn to “Place, culture, music” why? Have I lived there in a past life?”
​Asking questions that use “how”, “what”, “why”, ”why”?. Using "why" is a great way to peel back layers within areas addressed.
​It has been from my experience asking “yes” or “no” questions isn’t always as beneficial, however, if you have your heart set on a specific question that seems to be “yes” or “no” ask the question, but know the response might not come in the format or the way you like.
These are just a small example of the types of questions you can ask. Have fun, be creative and with courage and compassion, dive deep into the mystery to see what has been waiting to be rediscovered all this time!

The Akashic Records contain the past, present, and probable futures, including alternate lifestreams. The possibilities of what can be explored are infinite.
Get to know yourself and your soul on a deeper level
Accessing your Akashic Records offers an avenue for you to get to know yourself on a deeper level through learning about your soul’s journey; the Akashic Records contain the story or blueprint of your soul; from the first spark of creation and expanding into many infinite possibilities; past, present, future and multidimensional.
Readings come with a digitally formatted recording at no additional charge.
Kind Words
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