$5,000.00 USD

What a blessing to be able to travel to the Holy Isle together from September 8-17.

This contract is an agreement made between Heart 2 Heart Journey / Terra Kenzie Longacre of PO BOX 68150 Calgary, AB (“Teacher”) and (“Participant”). We both legally agree to the following:

Retreat Description.

This is a 10 day and 9 night paid pilgrimage to Glastonbury & Cornwall, United Kingdom. From September 8- 17 2024, your room and board are covered as well as any trips offered as a group. 


As part of this Retreat, you will receive:
Preparations pdf with all important info
Suggestions for Travel Insurance
2 Virtual Prep Call
10 days at the Healing Waters Retreat with all meals included(except for 1 lunch & dinner during trip to Tintagel) + all excursions paid for
1 Virtual Integration Call


What is not included:
Airfare to the UK (and return)
Your transport from the airport to Healing Water Retreat in Glastonbury and your return to the airport.

1 lunch & 1 Dinner on our grail mysteries in Tintagel.

Travel insurance
Any added food or expenditures during our time together

Expectations and Responsibilities.

During our Pilgrimage, you can expect that I will:
Devote my full attention to the entire group, bringing my heart and love forward.
Serve as your Mentor and Sister.
Offer support, encouragement, education, feedback, and guidance.
Create a safe container

I expect that you as a participant will:
Show up on time to our pre + post zoom calls + excursions within Pilgrimage
Participate with care, kindness, and respect for other women and me.
Keep agreements to fulfill financial payment (s).
Honor Avalon and the Holy Isle.


Contact & Communications:
Before and after our Pilgrimage, should you need to reach Terra or the Heart 2 Heart team, please contact us between 9am to 5pm PST. Our team will do their best to respond to you within 24 hours on weekdays.

On weekends and holidays, we will do our best to reply to you by the next business day. Any emails related to this Pilgrimage are for quick questions. If you have more questions or need guidance from Terra, please bring forward your questions/concerns as part of the Prep Call or Integration Call.

During the Pilgrimage, you will have Ameya’s phone number to contact her directly.

Investment and Payment.

Investment: You agree that you are financially willing and able to invest in this Pilgrimage by choice and that by so doing, you are not incurring any economic hardship in any way.

Payment Authorization and Receipt: If paying by PayPal, debit card, or credit card, you give us permission to automatically charge your credit card or debit card as pay in full or monthly payment for your Pilgrimage without any additional authorization, and you will receive an electronic receipt. Please note that chargebacks are not permitted and you are agreeing that upon enrollment and by participating in this Retreat for any length of time, you will make payment in full.

Missed Payment: If payment is not received by the date due or there is a problem with the payment transaction or method, you will be notified by email and then have a 5-day grace period to make the payment following the due date, otherwise your participation will be put on hold. 


Cancellation Policy:

$500 deposit is non-refundable.

Cancellations for any reason within 60 days or less of our travel date will not receive a refund. Get travel insurance.

*It is your responsibility to ensure the current covid rules regarding flying and travel are adhered to.

*When booking airfare, cancellation insurance is highly recommended.


Personal Responsibility, Disclaimer & Release of Claims.

Personal Responsibility & Assumption of Risk: You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for yourself and all decisions made before, during, and after your Pilgrimage and you knowingly assume all of the risks of the Pilgrimage related to your use, misuse, or non-use of the Pilgrimage or Pilgrimage content. You agree to: (1) be mindful of your own well-being during the Pilgrimage, (2) act with respect and care without causing harm to any other group members, and (3) recognize that you are solely responsible for your results.

Disclaimer: I have used care in curating this Pilgrimage, and all are provided as self-help tools for your own use and for informational and educational purposes only. There are many factors that influence results and experiences, so no guarantees can be made as to the results you will experience through this Pilgrimage. 

You agree that I am not responsible for your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, for your financial earnings or losses, or for any other result or outcome that you may experience through this Pilgrimage. Nothing related to this Pilgrimage is intended to be considered medical, mental health, legal, financial, or religious advice in any way. For specific physical or emotional health questions, consult your own medical or mental health professional. For specific questions related to your financial, legal, or tax situation, consult your own attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor. For specific questions related to religion, spirituality, or faith, consult your religious mentor or spiritual healer. Do not start or stop taking any medications because of anything you have read or received through this Pilgrimage. Any recommendations of products or actions are offered for educational purposes, and you need to check with your own medical professional before using any of these products or taking any actions that may affect your body or your health in any way.

Limitation of Liability, Indemnification, and Release of Claims: I will not be held responsible in any way for the information that you request or receive through this Pilgrimage to the fullest extent permitted by law. You agree that you fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release me from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims, and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that you ever had, now have or may have against me in the future that may arise from your participation in the Pilgrimage, including all services, products, and materials, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You agree to hold me free of all liability and responsibility for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of specific information or recommendations that you receive through this Pilgrimage.

Other Important Terms.

Notice: All correspondence or notice required regarding the Pilgrimage shall be made to [email protected]

Should your e-mail address, billing or contact information change at any time, it is your responsibility to provide your updated information to me within 3 days of any change.

Force Majeure: In the event that any cause beyond my reasonable control, including, without limitations, “acts of God”/nature, war, curtailment or interruption of transportation facilities, threats or acts of terrorism, State Department travel advisories, labor strikes or civil disturbances, unforeseen or foreseen human-initiated circumstances, health or travel restrictions, pandemic, quarantines, lockdowns or precautions imposed by any government entity or agency, local, state or federal law or ordinance, or other instances, make it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible for me to perform my responsibilities or obligations under this Agreement, either because of unreasonable increased costs or the risk of injury, I will not be liable for a reasonable period of delay or for the inability to indefinitely fulfill my responsibilities and obligations.

Entire Agreement, Assignment, Survivability, and Waiver: This Agreement contains our entire agreement. This Agreement may be modified or amended at any time so long as the amendment is in writing and signed by both of us. You may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone else, and the obligations under this Agreement shall survive indefinitely unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. If I choose to waive or not enforce one or more terms of this Agreement, it does not in any way limit my right to later enforce every part of this Agreement. If any section of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, all other sections shall be held in full force and effect.

Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the province of Alberta, in Canada

Dispute Resolution: Should we ever have any differences, it is hoped that we could work them out amicably through e-mail correspondence. However, if we are unable to seek resolution in 14 days, we agree now that the only method of legal dispute resolution that will be used is binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, jointly selected by both of us unless we both agree otherwise in writing. You understand and agree now that the only remedy that can be awarded to you through arbitration is the full refund of your Payment made to date. No other actions or financial awards of consequential damages, or any other type of damages, may be granted to you. We both agree now that the decision of the arbitrator is final and binding and may be entered as a judgment into any court having the appropriate jurisdiction. You also agree that should arbitration take place, it will be held in the County of Ventura in the State of California where my principal place of business is located, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasonable attorneys’ fees and all costs necessary to enforce the decision of the arbitrator.

Non-Disparagement: You agree to not publicly or privately make any negative or critical comments about the Pilgrimage, my business, or me, or to communicate with any other individual, company, or entity in a way that disparages the Pilgrimage or harms my reputation in any way, including on social media at any time. In arbitration or when required by law, of course, you are not prohibited from publicly sharing your thoughts and opinions.

By clicking “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this page as follows:”, we both acknowledge that we have read, understand, agree to, and accept all of the terms in this Agreement. You agree that you have had the opportunity to ask me any questions prior to agreeing, and your moving forward indicates that you agree with all of the terms of this Agreement.

Avalon Awakened: Pay in Full

 September 8 -17, 2024


 ♡︎ Pay in full and receive an Avalon Priestess Package in the mail with some of my favourite Avalon goodies(book & oracle deck) to prepare for your pilgrimage

♡︎ 1 Sisterhood Connection Call on Zoom to meet each other prior to our pilgrimage together

♡︎ Entrance fees for the group to sacred sites and transportation to & from our planned excursions

♡︎ 9 Nights at Healing Waters Retreat & Sanctuary

♡︎ All Organic & gluten free meals (Excluding 1 lunch & 1 Dinner on our grail mysteries excursion to Tintagel)

♡︎ 1 Integration Call to reconnect after you have had time to distill the experience. 


 ♡︎ All airfare to and from the UK

♡︎ Transportation to and from Glastonbury

♡︎ Travel insurance 

♡︎ 1 lunch & 1 Dinner on our grail mysteries in Tintagel.


Cancellation Policy:


Cancellations for any reason within 60 days or less of our travel date will not receive a refund. Get travel insurance.

$500 deposit is non-refundable.

*It is your responsibility to ensure the current covid rules regarding flying and travel are adhered to.

*When booking airfare, cancellation insurance is highly recommended.